​​Parent's Advisory Committee Meetings

Illness Reminder

It is our goal to keep your children and families safe and healthy. If your child exhibits any cold/flu-like symptoms, please keep your child at home. We realize you all have commitments, and keeping your child home may interfere with these. However, keeping your child home if they are unwell is the best way to help keep everyone safe and healthy in our preschool.

As noted in our parent handbook on pg. 5:

• If your child is ill, you must keep him/her at home
• if your child becomes ill while at school, you will be called to come and pick him/her up
• Your child must be medication-free (cold medication, Tylenol, Advil, etc.) for 24 hours prior to the start of class time.

This information can also be found in the preschool's Policies & Procedures under Section 9. 

On another note, should your child be unusually fatigued, lethargic and appear unwell before arriving at school, it would be appreciated if you kept them home to monitor their symptoms should they suddenly fall ill and require your immediate care. 

Play Dough Recipe

Call us today at 403-686-6868.

Current News

Spring has sprung, and Glenbrook Preschool is fundraising. Please join in and share with family and friends all while
supporting two great locally-owned businesses while providing much-needed funds to keep our preschool fully
resourced and monthly fees low.  

Million Reasons Run

Glenbrook Preschool Society will participate in a fun group fundraiser called the ‘Million Reasons Run’ Event for May. This fundraiser will support the Sick Kids Foundation. Our support and contributions made in the month of May on behalf of the 'Glenbrook Preschool Society (PAC)' to the Million Reasons Run will support our efforts to give back to Children's Hospitals across Canada to help change the lives of sick kids who will benefit from this Foundation.
For more information about the Million Reasons Run fundraiser event, click on the following link, which will
direct you to the 'Glenbrook Preschool Society (PAC)' Team page:



​​Skip the Depot

Skip the Depot brings the bottle depot to you. You simply sign up and they come pick up the bottles from your home. Contactless and hassle free. You can donate the funds directly to the preschool. Click to donate.

​​Mabel's Labels

Did you know that Glenbrook Preschool has an ongoing fundraiser with Mabel's Labels? These labels are Dishwasher and Laundry Safe so they can be used on almost anything (clothes, shoes, water bottles, lunch boxes etc.).

Just click on the "Support a fundraiser" and search for Glenbrook Preschool Society (Calgary) and start shopping

2023-2024 School Year 

Current and past newsletters for this school year are available here as PDF documents. Please select the month you wish to view.

  September 2023                    October 2023

  November 2023                     December 2023

  January 2024                        February 2024

  March 2024                           April 2024

  May 2024


Looking forward to a great year! 

Preschool Fundraisers

Have fun at home by making your own playdough just like we do at the preschool!

2 cups white flour
1 cup salt
2 tsp. cream of tartar
2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
2 cups boiling water with food colouring added to it

Mix all ingredients in a bowl, turn out onto counter and knead until smooth. Store in an airtight containerType your paragraph here.

​​All parents are welcome to attend our Parents’ Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings, held the last Tuesday of each month via Zoom.  We welcome your contributions! 

If you would like to attend, please email the President at president@glenbrookpreschool.org

If you interested in reviewing a copy of the minutes from any of these meetings, please contact the secretary at glenbrookpreschoolsecretary@gmail.com.